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发布时间:2022-08-23       访问量:








     【到达考点方式】建议考生从位于双港东大街的蛟桥园北区南大门(2号门)进出校园。考生进入校门后                                一直向北步行约2分钟左右即可到达考点。


















              下午场(PM1)笔试:   13:00 PM 开始入场,入场截止时间为13:30 PM

              晚场(PM2)笔试:       17:00 PM 开始入场,入场截止时间为17:30PM





         考生如需提前熟悉考点,所有校外人员在校门口刷身份证即可进入校园,无需其它任何操作。如考生需  进入考场里面熟悉环境, 请联系考点负责人:15180435968(江老师),15079190518(林老师)我们将安排工作人员在非考试时间带您进入考场。















Admission Instructions for IELTS Test Takers


Thank you for registering for the IELTS test at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. To ensure that you have a smooth and orderly test experience, please be aware of and comply with the following regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated.


· Arrive at the Test Center:

Your Computer-delivered test will take place at the second floor of the northern side building of International College, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.

Test center address: No.169, East Shuanggang Road, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, PR. China 

designated entrance:  Candidates are only allowed to enter the campus through No. 2 gate which is located  at No. 169, Shuanggang East Street. On entering the campus, walk straight towards north for  2-3 minutes, then turn right, the test center is located on  the second floor of the northern side building of International College



· Identification Document Requirements:

Candidates must bring the original and valid ID document and admission ticket that match the registration information to attend the test.


· Reminder of Arrival Time:

Candidates must pay attention to the following times and allow enough time for entry inspection and on-campus transportation to avoid being late.

Speaking test: Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the test, and the deadline for admission is 15 minutes before the test.

Computer-delivered test: AM Sitting: Entry starts at 08:00 AM, the entry deadline is 08:30 AM; PM1 Sitting: Entry starts at 13:00 PM, the entry deadline is 13:30 PM; PM2 Sitting: Entry starts at 17:00 PM, the entry deadline is 17:30 PM.


· Other Requirements:


Please keep a close eye on this notice before your test day as there will be no separate notice if there’s any further changes. Should you have any questions, please contact the test center:

phone number:0791-83819221、15079190518(Mr. Lin)、15180435968(Miss Jiang)

Email: gjxyyasi@163.com

contact person: Miss JIANG, George LIN,


We wish you success for your IELTS test!

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

April 10th.2023






(文/江钟明月  编辑/江钟明月  一审:林磊  二审:李庆  三审:邢小明)