• 【经济奶酪】Facebook选择纳斯达克 纽交所很受伤
  • 时间:2012-04-09信息来源:Wall Street Journal华尔街日报字体:[ ]点击:
  • Facebook Liking Nasdaq Represents Big Blow For NYSE


    转自Wall Street Journal 原文链接:http://cn.wsj.com/gb/20120406/tec093036_ENversion.shtml




    【Para 1】In the never-ending battle for stock-listing supremacy, Facebook's chose of Nasdaq represents a huge loss for the Big Board operator. 在争夺证交所霸主地位的永无止境的战斗中,Facebook选择在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市对纽约证券交易所(NYSE, 简称:纽交所)的运营商而言是一个巨大的损失。

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     【Para 2】NYSE has spent the last few years beefing up its technology offerings, with the goal of swiping market share from arch rival and tech-heavy Nasdaq. And amid the latest crop of high-profile technology offerings, the strategy has yielded some success. 过去几年,纽交所一直在努力扩大其上市科技公司阵容,其目标是从以科技公司为主的劲敌纳斯达克那里夺取市场份额。从最近一批备受瞩目的科技公司上市案来看,这一战略取得了一些成功。

    【Para 3】Over the last year NYSE has nabbed LinkedIn, Pandora Media and Yelp, with the end goal of attracting the big kahuna, Facebook. 去年纽交所成功争取到了LinkedInPandora MediaYelp等科技公司,其最终目标是吸引Facebook这只大鱼。

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    【Para 4】Had NYSE won Facebook, it would've helped swing the pendulum heavily in the Big Board operator's favor in terms of recruiting future listings and potential transfers, analysts say. 分析师说,假如纽交所成功争取到了Facebook,那么在未来争取公司上市和上市公司转板等问题上,纽交所运营商将拥有极大的优势。

    【Para 5】'The bigger story is more of a mournful groan from NYSE on this news,' said Michael Farr, president of portfolio-management firm Farr, Miller & Washington. 投资组合管理公司Farr, Miller & Washington总裁法尔(Michael Farr)说,如今纽交所对这一消息只能伤心地哀叹了。

    【Para 6】Meanwhile, Nasdaq gets a chance to add to its treasure chest of tech offerings, which includes Apple, Cisco and Microsoft, among others. 与此同时,纳斯达克则得到一个增加其优质上市科技公司的机会,已经在纳斯达克上市的主要科技公司包括苹果(Apple)、思科(Cisco)和微软(Microsoft)

    【Para 7】Representatives from NYSE and Nasdaq declined to comment. WSJ and other media outlets have reported that Facebook will list its shares at Nasdaq, but the social network hasn't made an official announcement. 纽交所和纳斯达克的代表不予置评。《华尔街日报》和其它媒体已经报道Facebook将在纳斯达克上市一事,但该公司还未正式宣布这一消息。

    【Para 8】When deciding which exchange to list, companies often look at the costs as well as the promotional efforts that will help increase their visibility. That includes events like the NYSE's or Nasdaq's opening and closing bell ceremonies. Exchanges also offer various other services for a variety of needs, such as investor relations. 在决定到哪家交易所上市时,企业往往会比较上市成本以及交易所提供的有助于提高企业知名度的推广活动。这些活动包括纽交所和纳斯达克在开盘和收盘时举行的敲钟仪式。交易所还会提供各种其它服务以满足上市公司的种种需求,比如投资者关系等。

    【Para 9】Facebook will join Groupon and Zynga as some of Nasdaq's biggest tech wins over the last year. GrouponZynga之后,Facebook的加入将为纳斯达克自去年以来争取到的科技公司大型上市案增加重要的一笔。

    【Para 10】'This is a strong substantial win for Nasdaq and no doubt a momentum builder for future listings,' said Richard Repetto, an analyst at Sandler O'Neill & Partners. 美资投行Sandler O’Neill & Partners的分析师雷佩托(Richard Repetto)说,对纳斯达克来说,这是一场重大胜利。毫无疑问,这场胜利为其未来争取其它公司上市提供了动力。



    1,     Facebook公司介绍 

    2,      Facebook公司上市原因以及未来发展策略

    3,      福布斯:Facebook上市或成互联网泡沫顶点

    4,      纽交所、纳斯达克争夺Facebook

    5,      纽交所与纳斯达克争锋科技IPO:各胜上下半年

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    6,     Facebook招股书概要

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    编辑、选题by 徐浩凯 苏琦 辜依云



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