• 校党委书记廖进球在国际学院“十年庆”上的致辞
  • 时间:2012-11-20信息来源:国际学院字体:[ ]点击:
  • 在2012世界高等教育论坛暨国际学院建院十周年
    党委书记 廖进球


    上午好!(GOOD MORNING)



    “问鼎高台凭何力, 呕心十年磨一剑”。江财国际学院办学十年,是勇闯新路、爬坡过坎的十年。十年前,在中国刚加入世贸的背景下,江财勇赶高等教育国际化浪潮,举全校之力创建国际学院,开办本科教学试验班。办院以来,国际学院紧紧围绕“在欠发达地区培养经济管理类国际化人才”的目标,学院上下同舟共济,凝心聚力,克服现存机制不足之难、国际师资聘请之难、中外课程对接之难、教学改革之难、实践资源稀缺之难、学生潜能激发之难等诸多困难,历经筹建国际化特区、引进国际化师资、引入国际化教学、开拓国际化交流、提升国际化管理水平五个发展路径,闯出了一条红土地上办国际化教育的新路子。





    谢谢大家!(THANK YOU)

    Remark at the World Higher Education Forum and
    the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the International School, JUFE
    by Liao Jinqiu, Board Chairman of JUFE

    Distinguished foreign friends, honorable leaders, guests, faculty members, and students,

    Good morning!

    Deep autumn brings a cool breeze. The eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which has drawn world-wide attention, will soon be held in Beijing. Today, with great joy and excitement, we are gathering here to celebrate the International School’s 10th Anniversary. In name of I myself and on behalf of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE), please allow me hereby to extend my warm welcome and full appreciation to leaders of all levels, and guests from home and abroad. I would also like to express my kind regards to faculty members and students who have labored hard for the development of the International School in the past 10 years.

    JUFE is a university under the joint administration of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province. With nearly 90 years’ history, JUFE is now aiming at developing into a top-level university of finance and economics, featured as cultivating entrepreneurial talents. There are over 30,000 full-time students, 2,261 faculty members, 5 post-doctoral research stations, 5 doctoral programs under the first-class discipline, 16 postgraduate programs under the first-level discipline, and 49 undergraduate programs in JUFE. For years, having stuck to the principle of opening up to the outside world, JUFE has established steady partnership with 85 universities from 18 countries and regions, including Australian National University, State University of New York at Stony Brook, University of Southampton, Lancaster University, etc. In 2010, JUFE became the first ISEP (International Student Exchange Programs) member university in mainland China. As well, JUFE has been successively approved to be a test venue for TOFEL, GRE and ACCA. In the year of 2012, JUFE was honored as the “National Advanced University for Employment,” granted by the State Council. On Feb. 6 2008, Premier Wen Jiabao visited our university and spent the New Year’s Eve with students and faculty members. He delivered a speech and spoke highly of our university, saying “your university is an excellent one.”

    As the old saying goes, it takes 10 years to make a good sword. The past ten years have witnessed the International School struggling to explore new channels of education. Ten years ago, with China’s entry into WTO, following the trend of educational globalization, we assembled the quality education resources to establish the International school, experimenting with three undergraduate programs. Ever since its establishment, the International School, centering around the goal of cultivating economic and managerial personnel with global perspectives in less developed areas, has overcome an array of hardships, covering deficient mechanisms in international education, limited choice in recruiting overseas teaching staff, mismatches between Chinese and foreign courses, obstacles in education reform, scarcity in internship bases, and inadequate explorations of students’ potentials. We, by means of establishing a special zone for international education, recruiting international teaching staff, bringing in international education philosophy and methodology, expanding international cooperation and exchange, and upgrading international management levels, have opened up a brand-new mode for international education in this red soil.

    In the past ten years, the International School has been marching forward with upholding the banner of quality education, having achieved remarkable success and formulated the education philosophy of “integrating teaching with learning, fusing western pedagogue with the eastern education philosophy, combing the external channels with the internal sources, and cashing on the valuable resources of prestigious university.” The International School has become a prestigious brand in JUFE. In ten years, the International School has expanded quickly, increasing from the scale of 155 students to over 2,000 students. In ten years, students’ quality has presented an obvious enhancement. Students from the International School have distinguished themselves by wining tens of remarkable awards in contests of various kinds, domestic and international, including Financial Trade Simulation; CCTV National English Speech Contest; National College Students’ Entrepreneurial Competition; and American Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling. Some students are granted full or half scholarship for postgraduate studies from the universities in the UK, Dutch, and France. Some other students won the third place in Asia in TOEFL and GMAT. Among the 2700 graduates that we have turned out so far, 306 students furthered their studies in world’s top universities, including Oxford University, Cambridge University, Imperial College, LSE, accounting for 40% of the total graduate number. More than a dozen of graduates are pursuing doctorate studies in well-known universities abroad. Graduates of the International School are favored by companies home and abroad, 45% of whom are employed in financial institutions or business fields, 500 of whom are working at Fortune 500 companies.

    Today, on this special occasion of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the International School, we call to mind once again those who devote themselves to the school. Thus, on behalf of the University, I hereby would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the care and support that we have received from departments in charge, leaders, guests, colleagues and friends from all walks of life. We will always remember the founders, pioneers and constructors of the International School. We will always keep in mind the former university leaders, who are the architect of the blueprint of the International School. We will never forget the Deans of the school, who are the hard-working cultivators on this golden experimental farm, and builders of the International school into a prestigious brand. We will not ignore the faculty and students who made the immense contributions to the development of the International School. Thus, let’s give a big round of applause to all faculty, students and alumni of the International School for the efforts they made and the honors they earned.

    The10th anniversary of the International School is a memorable milestone, a fresh start to carry on our cause of international education. Under the joint administration of Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province, we are now facing preferable opportunities for development and wider educational platform. Bearing the Premier’s words in mind, we will adhere to the school motto of “Fidelity, Acuity, Integrity and Perseverance” to seize opportunities and make collaborative innovations. We will persistently advance innovation and reform to comprehensively upgrade education quality. We will develop the International School into to a brand-name school with distinctive features and nurture more outstanding international economic and managerial personnel for the society.

    Last but not least, I wish the 10th Anniversary Ceremony a great success and an even better future for the International School of JUFE.

    Thank you!



