Xiong Kai
Time:2014-10-15 11:22:19 Clicks:
Name: Xiong Kai
Class at JUFE: 06 International Accounting 5
Education Background
JUFE (undergraduate)
University of Essex (undergraduate)
University college London (master)
Employment (Time, Company, Post, Title)
2011 – now, eProspects (UK), Head of Performance Marketing
Awards and Honors
Trainee Leader of China Re-unification Society in the UK
Study and Work Reflections
Douglass Daft, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Coca Cola used to say: “International education ignites a passion for understanding other people and their perspectives. That is one important benefit to working or studying abroad - and it is essential to success in our increasingly diverse world. Students with international exposure come to understand the value of dialogue between people from different cultures and between people with different points of view”. Actually, this is what I read before I went to the UK and this is what I expected for my student/work life in the UK. Now, after several years staying in this country, my experience proves that the statement is even more insightful than what I understood in the past.