Reminder of GRE Policies and Procedures
Time:2011-06-05 10:22:53 Clicks:
Preparation for Registration
Before registration, test takers must carefully read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the GRE Information and Registration Bulletin regarding registration, test administration and score reporting. Test takers must also read and agree to the NEEA online registration agreement, which includes information about the terms and conditions of online registration procedures and payment.
During registration, it is the test taker's responsibility to ensure that all information submitted is accurate and authentic. Providing incorrect information will result in a test taker not being able to receive GRE test information and score reports. The individual test taker is responsible for all consequences caused by providing incorrect or inauthentic information.
For each registered test taker, the NEEA/GRE Online Registration system will create an account to hold the test taker’s personal information. Access to this account is controlled by the combination of a NEEA ID assigned by the registration system and a password created by the test taker. Test takers must safeguard this access information.
Identification Requirement
Identification (ID) requirements are strictly enforced. If you arrive at the test center without the required ID, you will not be admitted and your test fee will be forfeited. It is your responsibility to read and understand the ID requirements in the GRE Bulletin or on the GRE website at www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/test_day/id.
ID requirement at all test sites in Mainland China:
Citizens of Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau must present valid Resident ID Cards as their primary ID documents. There are no exceptions to this policy. The second generation Resident ID Card is preferred.
Citizens of Taiwan must present their Travel Permit to Mainland China.
Citizens from all other countries and locations must present a valid passport.
For citizens of European and Schengen Zone countries, see the special identification requirements in the GRE Bulletin or on the GRE website at www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/test_day/id.
Arrival Time at the Test Center
You must arrive at the test center 30 minutes before the announced appointment time shown on your confirmation letter. For example, if the appointment time is 10:00 in the morning, then you must arrive at 9:30. Center administrators have the right to refuse entry after the appointment time; there will be no refunds or reschedules.
Personal Belongings
Any personal belongings, except for ID documents and the GRE Registration Confirmation, are NOT allowed in the testing rooms. You will be instructed to place personal belongings in designated lockers. Please do not bring any personal items to the test sites. Test sites will not be responsible for the loss of personal items.
Items not allowed in the test rooms include, but are not limited to, the following:
Food, drinks and tobacco
Cell phones, smart phones (e.g., BlackBerry® devices, iPhones), PDAs and other electronic or photographic devices
Personal items other than identification documents
Personal calculators
Your own stationery
Your self-provided keyboard
Purses and wallets
Electronic and telecommunication devices
Time pieces (watches and clocks of any kind)
Notes or reference books
Food and drink
Any other items deemed inappropriate by administrators
Upon Arrival at the Test Center
Upon arrival at the test center, you will be asked to assemble in the waiting area and follow the instructions given by the test center administrators. You will be instructed to store your personal belongings, present your ID for preliminary review, read and sign the Confidentiality Statement, and then wait in line to be checked in. It is recommended that test takers use the restrooms at this time. Test takers who behave in a disorderly way will be denied admission to the test center.
Check-in and Seat Assignment
Administrators will examine ID documents, collect signed Confidentiality Statements, and check test takers into the testing rooms. Digital photographs will also be taken of all test takers. Key personal information on the ID documents, such as names and date of birth, must match the registration information exactly. Name changes are NOT allowed. Administrators can only submit requests for minor changes (e.g., surname and first name reversed; wrong spacing).
Seats are arranged randomly by the testing system. The administrator will guide you to a seat. Your photo, name, date of birth and registration number will be displayed on the computer screen. When seated, you are NOT allowed to touch the keyboard and mouse until instructed to do so. You must verify that the displayed personal information is correct before beginning the test.
During the Testing Session
You are allowed to take notes during the testing session using a pencil and scratch paper provided by the administrator. After testing, you must return all pencils and scratch paper to the administrator.
Test session timing is kept by the testing system and displayed on the screen of each test station. You are not allowed to bring or use a personal timing piece in the test room.
During the test administration, you are allowed to use only the keyboard and mouse to perform tasks. You are NOT allowed to tamper with any other computer parts and devices. Expenses for damages to computers due to abnormal use will be the responsibility of the test taker.
In the event of a testing system failure, you should stay calm and raise your hand to call the administrator to restart the system from where it stopped. Testing session timing will stop during system down time.
You must follow the administrator’s instructions and not make noise or engage in any kind of disruptive behavior. If you have any questions, raise your hand to call for the administrator.
Any misconduct will be reported immediately to ETS. Misconduct may result in test takers being dismissed from the testing room and ETS’s cancellation of scores. Test takers whose scores are cancelled or who are denied testing due to misconduct will NOT be subject to a refund or reschedule. Serious violators will be barred from registering to take a GRE test in the future.
Misconducts include, but are not limited to, the following:
Attempting to take the test for someone else or having someone else take the test for you.
Failing to provide acceptable identification as described herein.
Obtaining improper access to the test, a part of the test or information about the test.
Having any prohibited device in your possession in the test center (Cell phones; smart phones, such as BlackBerry devices or iPhones; PDAs and other electronic and photographic devices are not permitted in the test center. If you bring them into the test center, you will be dismissed from the test, your test fees will be forfeited and your scores will be canceled. Test administrators are not permitted to collect and hold cell phones or any other devices.)
Using any aids in connection with the test, including, without limitation: mechanical pencils, mechanical erasers, pens, pagers, beepers, watch calculators, books, pamphlets, notes, unauthorized scratch paper, rulers, highlighter pens, stereos or radios with headphones, watch alarms (including those with flashing lights or alarm sounds), stopwatches, dictionaries, translators, compasses, protractors and any handheld electronic or photographic devices.
Creating a disturbance (Disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated. The test administrator has sole discretion in determining what constitutes disruptive behavior.)
Attempting to give or receive assistance (Communication in any form is not permitted during the test administration. Discussion or sharing of test content or answers during and after the test administration is prohibited.)
Removing or attempting to remove test content from the test center. Under no circumstances may test content or any part of the test content be removed, reproduced and/or disclosed by any means (e.g., hard copy, verbally, electronically) to any person or entity.
Tampering with a computer
Attempting to remove scratch paper from the computer-based testing room or using scratch paper during untimed sections of the test or during breaks
Bringing a weapon or firearm into the test center
Bringing food, drinks or tobacco into the testing room
Leaving the test center vicinity during the test session or during breaks
Leaving the testing room without permission
Taking excessive or extended unscheduled breaks during the test session (Test center administrators are required to strictly monitor unscheduled breaks and report test takers who take excessive or extended breaks.)
Referring to, looking through or working on any test or test section when not authorized to do so, or working after time has been called
Failing to follow any of the test administration regulations contained in the GRE Information and Registration Bulletin, given by the test administrator or specified in any test materials
ETS reserves the right to take all action—including, but not limited to, barring you from future testing and/or withholding or canceling your scores—for failure to comply with test administration regulations or the test administrator’s directions. If your scores are canceled, they will not be reported, and your registration and test fees will not be refunded.
Testing Irregularities
Testing irregularities refer to problems with the administration of a test. When testing irregularities occur, they may affect an individual or a group of test takers. Such problems include, without limitation, administrative errors (such as improper timing, improper seating, defective materials and defective equipment); improper access to test content; and other disruptions of test administrations (such as natural disasters or other emergencies). When testing irregularities occur, ETS may decline to score the test or cancel the test score. When, in ETS’s judgment it is appropriate to do so, ETS gives the affected test takers the opportunity to take the test again as soon as possible without charge.
Getting Your Scores
If you test between August 1, 2011, and November 30, 2011, at the test site you will view your unofficial Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning score ranges on the prior 200-800 score scale in 10-point increments. If you test in December 2011 or later, at the test site you will be able to view your unofficial Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores on the new 130-170 score scale in one-point increments. Because of the essay scoring process, you will not be able to view your Analytical Writing scores at the time you test. Test sites cannot provide printed copies of score reports.
At the testing site, you may request that scores be sent to as many as four graduate institutions or fellowship sponsors at no additional charge. If you do not select score recipients on the test day, you will need to submit an additional score report request form with the appropriate fee (per recipient) to have scores sent at a later date. If an institution is not listed, ask the test site administrator for the appropriate form to indicate unlisted institutions. Complete the form and turn it in before you leave the test center. The form will not be accepted after you leave the test center.
Score reports are mailed to you, and the score recipients you designated. For tests taken in August and September 2011, scores will be sent starting in November 2011. For tests taken October 2011 or later, scores will be sent in late November 2011. Normal 10–15 day score reporting resumes in December 2011. You can also obtain scores by phone when they are available. You can also view your scores online free of charge when they are available at mygre.ets.org/greweb. Test takers will be required to create a My GRE profile to log in and use this service.
Other Services Available
Other services that are available include: Additional Score Report Requests, Reinstatement of Cancelled Scores, and Rescore of the Analytical Writing measure. Please refer to the GRE Bulletin for details.These services are provided only at GRE website.
For questions concerning registration, please contact NEEA’s GRE call center at 8610-62535050 or fax at 8610-82520243 or visit NEEA/GRE website at http://gre.etest.edu.cn or http://gre.etest.net.cn.
For complaints concerning the test administration, test site facilities or test center staff, please contact gre-info@ets.org. In your communication provide a detailed description of the complaint, including the name and address of the center and the test date. The communication should be received at ETS no later than seven days after your test date. Allow four to six weeks for a response.